
One Piece 554

Strawhat vs. 100.000

Small review!

Jimbei and Ruffy are having a discussion about how to save fishmen island. Jimbei asks Ruffy to step back and to do as he says so history doesn't repeat itself and so Ruffy won't end up as the one human destroying the peace on fishmen island. He instead wants Ruffy to become the true hero who saved everyone from the evil Hordi. By showing them that Jimbei and Ruffy are working together they want to achieve that the others know that Jimbei is not only respected by fishmen, but as well by humans.

Meanwhile Zorro Lysop and Brook break their cage and meet the others on the main plaza, where Hordi is already waiting for them. He asks Ruffy what his little pirate army will do against his 100.000 men army of the new fishmen pirates. They declare an attack on Ruffys group which he counters by using the 'king' haki which he had been learning in the past two years while his group was apart.
Ruffy easily manages to take half of Hordis men out with this resulting in the others being very scared and afraid. He shouts towards Hordi that he can do whatever he wants as long as he understands that there can only be ONE pirate king, which of course is Ruffy.

Nami sexy as always!

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